Magformers Walking Dinosaur Set

(Magformers $189.00)
A marvelous 81-piece set of magnetic shapes and plans for building many different dinosaurs that will actually walk after they are built. Given the big outlines of the magnetic pieces, these are not highly realistic looking models, yet very satisfying approximations. Best of all they can be loaded with a power pack that brings these extinct giants to life. There is a step-by-step direction book and you can watch them being assembled on a you tube demo. Like other sets, this is marked 3 & up, but is really more appropriate for the 5-8 age range. They will be able to follow the plans and benefit from doing so, though fives will need help. If you can’t wait to buy this for a preschooler, you’ll find this is a more like a parent-child toy with you doing the building and your child waiting to do the playing. A much better choice for 5-8. Note: The price on these sets are very high-but we've noticed that they are discounted if you shop around. Award Year: 2015.
Ages: Preschoolers, Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2015