Budsies, Making a Huggable World https://www.budsies.com

(Budsies $89 & up)
Want to preserve your child’s art in a memorable three-dimensional form? Budsies.com does exactly that. They will transform your child’s drawing (or yours) into a plush doll. Or, maybe you’d like a “Petsie,” a doll that looks like your family pet? Or, how about a doll that’s based on your child’s photo? You simply take a photo of a drawing, painting, pet, child, or yourself, if you like, and send that from your phone or computer to Budsies.com and in a matter of weeks your child will be holding and hugging a unique fabric doll that will have special meaning to him or her…and likely one that will become a family treasure, as time goes by. Want to see some of the samples of art and dolls? Click here to see the gallery. They will send you updates as the process goes along. We have seen samples of their work and think this is a very special kind of gift surprise! All ages.

Ages: Preschool, Early School, Tweens & Teens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2017