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Learning Resources Teaching ATM Bank

(Learning Resources $29.99)

We've always liked the Learning Resources register that has a working computer and tallies up sales. Now, the ATM Bank has a similar computer built into the pretend play. It comes with an abundance of play money and speaks when change is put into the coin slot. It speaks and names the coin denomination(dime, nickel, penny, quarter) while the amount of the coin deposited registers on the ATM screen. Push the + sign and you get a total of what has been deposited. The ATM also comes with paper money, only the depositor must enter the amount of the bill on the keypad and turn a knob to roll the money into the ATM in order for the computer to add it into the deposit. There is an ATM card and you can dial in any passcode. However, to get money out you have to open the drawer at the bottom. It does not deliver cash like a real ATM. This is both a fun pretend toy and an early math toy. It’s less basic than a register, but with most people using credit cards registers may be less interesting for pretend than the ATM. Marked 3 & up, we think it will be even more fun for 5-7s who are learning about money and simple addition.

Ages: Preschoolers, Early School

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2017

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