Hape Super Spiral Quadrilla

(Hape $172.99)
New and top of the line, this Quadrilla set is pricey but amazing! With two double spiral twists that can be flipped, a musical sonic xylophone, see-thru drop, multiple control blocks to change directions, this 129 piece set is the newest in the amazing and challenging Quadrilla building sets. Happily, there’s also an app if you want help with initial assembly. It’s a memorable marble run that makes for great parent child cooperative project. In time, once they see how the parts work, they’ll want to try building their own creations. Marked four and up, we think the up side is where this fits best. Four can play with the finished build, but it apt to knock it over. 6-7-8s will like to test out ideas that introduce them to hands on creative physics experiments. A great way to discover the challenge of “what if” and seeing what happens next
Ages: Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2019