Brio Pinball Game
(Brio $48.99) There are no lights or bells nor batteries for this quiet and handsome pinball game. We don’t want you to be...

Manhattan Toy Musical Lili Llama
(Manhattan Toy $39.99) A perfect first birthday gift! It’s a musical llama, an activity center with a small but sweet sounding five bar...

Hape Dante Push and Go
(Hape $28.10) For a first birthday, here’s a rolling toy that on the go tots will love. Dante, the cat simply rolls OR push down lightly...

Toy Story 4 Mr. Potato Heads
(Playskool/Hasbro $14.99 and up) If you love Mr. Potato Head and Toys Story 4, there are several ways to bring him home. There’s an...

Hasbro Yellies
(Hasbro $7.50) Take your pick of these funny looking little critters, hot pink Lizabelle, green Sal E. Mander, and Echo Grecko. This one...

Fisher-Price Clean-up and Dust Set
(Fisher Price $14.99) Cleaning up just got updated. Forget the old broom and mop. Now toddlers, who love sweeping up, have an imitation...

Hasbro Tiny Pong
(Hasbro $19.99) Our testers couldn’t stop playing with this solo table tennis game. It’s like an electronic version of your old paddle...

Hape Stay Put Rattle Set
(Hape $12.99) Three suction cup rattles that move with a slight swipe of a little hand and each produces a different but quiet and...

Creativity for Kids Beautiful Butterflies
(Faber Castell $18.00) Who doesn’t love butterflies? Here’s a kit with three sheer butterflies made of tulle. One is blue and 11” wide...

Manhattan Toy Wimmer-Ferguson Crinkle Zebra Baby Sensory Toy
(Manhattan Toy $9.99) An interesting crinkle fabric toy in high contrast black and white for visual stimulation in the early weeks. It’s...