Creativity for Kids Quick Knit Loom
(Creativity for Kids $19.99) A big round loom that is like your old horse rein spool loom...only so much better! Instead of the long and...

eeBoo Votes for Women Puzzle
(eeBoo $19.95) On this 100th anniversary of the suffragette’s victory, it seems appropriate to celebrate women’s right to vote. The...

eeBoo Puppy Fuffle Game
(eeBoo $19.99) Kids can often say their numbers by rote, but giving meaning to number values and seeing the relationship between the word...

eeBoo Hand Me a Candy Game
(eeBoo $19.99) Players reach into the bag to feel the cut-out candy pieces, trying to find a candy that matches the picture of the one on...

eeBoo Space Adventure or Rainbow & Friends Scratch Paper Stickers
(eeBoo $9.99 each set) Sometimes the best things come in small packages! This would be one of those times. Who doesn’t love stickers to...

Sassy Whirling Wheel Waterfall, Double Dip Funnel & Flex N Fill Cups Set
(Sassy $24.99) Sassy's Whirling Wheel Waterfall is one bath toy that can double for tabletop fun, as well. With a sturdy suction cup it...

Quercetti Peg Brite
(Quercetti $28.59) A sleek light up peg toy that comes with 120 pegs in green, blue, yellow, orange, red and clear. Kids can do their own...

Creativity for Kids Fairy Fashions
(Creativity for Kids $35.00) For the ballerina or fan of fairy magic, this is a kit for designing a wardrobe of winged fashions. It comes...

Creativity for Kids Create with Clay Mythical Creatures
(Creativity for Kids $16.99) We usually don’t suggest clay kits that are in part pre-made. However, this kit’s plastic creatures look a...

Fisher-Price Imaginext DC Super Friends, R/C Transforming Batbot
(Fisher-Price $54.99) Here it is a Batbot of their dreams! When it comes to toys that move, bigger is usually better and this is one big...