Mindware Q-BA Maze 2.0 Rocket Set
(Mindware $259.99) A big birthday coming up ? Looking for a gift for the family to work on and play with later? Here you go! Like Rome,...

eeBoo Koala Bounce Game
(eeBoo $21.99) Players move their koala playing pieces from branch to branch after they draw a card that tell them what color, number, or...

eeBoo Climate March Puzzles
(eeBoo $16.99 and up) If you’re eager to build climate awareness early on —you’ll like the handsome 500-piece round puzzle, Climate March...

Word Witt Game
(Word Witt $26.95) We really enjoyed this innovative word play game with or without the timer. It’s not Boggle and it’s not Scrabble...it...

Creativity for Kids Hide and Seek Paint, Pour Rocks
(Creativity for Kids $13.99) Do this fun craft kit outside, while the weather is good. Pouring paint is a novel way to decorate the 10...

Mindware PYO Dinosaur Garden
(Mindware $25.95) A fun activity that two budding paleontologists can do together. They can paint the four stone figurines: a dinosaur,...

Dig It Up! Giant Gem Discovery Kit
(Mindware $29.95) Dig in to uncover a dozen different and genuine gemstones in this giant piece of geode. Kids will find gems such as...

Math Games for Beginners
Preschoolers begin by counting by rote, usually without any real understanding of the meaning of the words they chant. Putting out...