Fat Brain Pretendables Milk and Cookies
( Fat Brain $24.95 ) Our young preschoolers loved the bottle of milk that has "disappearing" milk when poured. The set comes with two...

Peaceable Kingdom Shiny Barn Buddies Floor Puzzle 48 pieces
(Peaceable Kingdom $16.95) A giant floor puzzle with shiny pieces. The finished puzzle is a big red barn shape that’s 3 feet wide and 2...

Creativity for Kids Bubble Gems Backpack Keychains
( Creativity for Kids $14.99) A showy craft kit that will be a sure winner with the school-age girls on your list. The Bubble Gems...

Mindware Let’s Paint Together! Friendship Owls
(Mindware $34.95) Here’s a craft kit to share with a parent, grandparent, cousin or best friend. Doesn’t matter how old or young, it’s a...

Creativity for Kids Monster Trucks Custom Shop Kit
( Creativity for Kids $19.99) Kids can make two monster trucks with this kit that is light on "crafting" and big on playing. It comes...

Playmobil Family Fun Camping Set 54 piece set with kayaks and tent
( Playmobil $29.99) For satisfying dramatic play, whatever the season may be; this camping trip set has everything needed for pretend...

Peaceable Kingdom Shiny Narwhal Floor Puzzle
(Peaceable Kingdom $20.95) Our testers especially like the novelty of this 42-piece puzzle that in the shape of a narwhal. The giant...

eeBoo Giant Shiny Forest Dominoes
( eeBoo $23.80 ) Newest version of a classic matching game themed with pictures of forest animals and plants. Develops visual matching...

Mindware MYO Butterfly House Kit
(Mindware $24.95) We’ve seen bird houses and bird feeders, but never before....a butterfly House Kit! What a novel idea for crafters and...

Creativity for Kids Plant and Grow Unicorn Forest
(Creativity for Kids $14.99) For Unicorn fans, this plastic terrarium jar and Mushroom cap lid will be a series of delights. First the...