Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn 3-in-1 On the Go Camper
(Fisher-Price $49.99) For your beginning walker, this push toy is not weighted, but remarkably stable. The walker itself is also a...

Marine Life On the Move
(Mudpuppy $9.99) Another wonderful Color Magic Bath Book with black and white sea creatures in vehicles that will turn color when they...

Madame Alexander My First Baby Doll
(Madame Alexander $34.99 each) For that first baby doll, choose a soft fabric huggable like this. For safety sake, clothes are not...

Corolle Hooded Stroller
(Corolle $34.99) For dramatic role play, bring home the Corolle Hooded Stroller in aqua or pink with matching print. These are...

Mudpuppy Be Kind Little One Books
(Mudpuppy $14.99) Four stout little cardboard books to share with toddlers about kindness. These are not preachy book, but give parents a...

Hape Toddler Kitchen Set
(Hape $21.99 ) For beginning pretend play, a small tabletop play kitchen with be just right! Designed for toddlers, the small stove comes...

Manhattan Toy Greta or Hans Classic Teddy Bears
(Manhattan Toy $24.99 each) Soft as a cloud, these under-stuffed huggable are designed for loving. Greta is done in a delicate lavender...

Mudpuppy Mindful Baby Books
(Mudpuppy $14.95) Share this set of four chunky board books that speak to mindfulness. Every page of these sturdy little books features a...

Corolle Bebe Bath Alyzee
(Corolle $39.99 ) Bath time just got to be more fun with this adorable 12-inch doll that toddlers can hug, hold and splash with in the...

VTech Count & Win Sports Center
(Vtech $39.99) Vtech has done a version of this talking toy for over twenty years and although the colors change and the sounds, it never...