LEGO CITY Water Plane Chase
(Lego Systems, Inc $34.00) Our testers liked that this set came with both a police Water Plane and a jeep (with the requisite bad guy) to...

LEGO CITY Swamp Police Station
(Lego Systems, Inc. $89.99) Each year LEGO has a police setting and this year the focus is on Swamp Police. This 707-piece set has a...

eeBoo 24 Color Pencil Sets & Sketch Books
(eeBoo $6 & $13) Our testers continue to love eeBoo's 24 color pencil sets ($13) with matching sketchpads ($6). This season you'll find a...

K'nex Mighty Makers Inventor's Clubhouse
(K'nex $49.99) Our 11-year old tester, an avid builder, gave us rave reviews, loving how many ways she could use this and create not...

Gamewright Flashlights & Fireflies Game
(Gamewright $15.99) Imagine playing around with fireflies in the middle of winter or a sunny afternoon. True it will call for some...

Playskool Mr. Potato Head Star Wars Darth Tater
(Hasbro $14.99) Need a trick gift for your Star Wars fan? You’ll want to consider Darth Tater, or Luke Frywalker a Jedi spud with...

Creativity for Kids Pom Pom Rug
(Creativity for Kids $29.99) When completed, this looks like a hooked rug, but requires no special hook needle. Instead kids make dozens...

Horizon STMT Alphabet Jewelry
(Horizon Group $14.99) A handsome craft package with alphabet letter beads on small silvery, golden, white and wooden beads. Some are...

Horizon STMT D.I.Y. Simply Charming
(Horizon $16.99) If you love all the charming bead bracelets with tiny charms or necklaces with mini drops on them, this kit will be for...

Horizon Just My Style Emoticon Message Beads
(Horizon Group $9.97) An amazing assortment of beads: some with words, letters, numbers, hearts, hashtags, and best of all—emoticon...