Mini Garden Mermaid, Unicorn, or Dinosaurs
(Creativity for Kids $12.95) Looking for an Easter Egg Treat that’s a sweet treat without sugar? Choose either of these eggs. Kids...

Faber-Castell 6 Metallic Gel Sticks
(Faber-Castell $7) We’ve told you about these creamy gel sticks that glide across paper and encourage eye hand explorations. These dark...

Creatable World Rainy Day Outfit
(Creatable World/ Mattel $12.99) Just in time for Spring’s rainy days! We told you about this gender-neutral doll collection last year....

eeBoo Solar System 64 piece puzzle
(eeBoo $11.99 ) Early School Years kids are beginning to want more information about their world. Although it’s a big abstract idea,...

eeBoo Vote for Women 100 Piece Puzzle
(eeBoo $11.99) eeBoo has been doing Votes for Women themes on much more complex thousand -piece puzzles and cards for older audiences....

eeBoo 1000 piece Jane Austen’s Book Club
(eeBoo $21.99) A challenging 1000-piece puzzle for the whole family to work on during the long winter nights ahead. Her club includes...

eeBoo Spottington Game
(eeBoo $ 21.99 ) Get your I spy eyes in gear! In this fun game of sighting mini-figures, kids must use visual discrimination to find the...

Goliath Banana Blast
(Goliath $24.05) We gave this a test run with our 4 year old Thanksgiving player. We have to say, this was a blast...with requests to...

Wonder Forge Fancy Nancy Find Your Fancy Guess and Dress Game
(Wonder Forge $24.99) This is a bit like battleship for the very young. One player acts as Nancy and chooses a card with a picture of a...

Kindness Makes Us Strong
(Dial $11.99) A colorful board book by Sophie Beer, that celebrates something we could all use a lot of these days—kindness. We’re not...