Workman Kid’s Awesome Activity Calendar 2022
(Workman $15.99) Kids don’t need to wait until January to start using this fun activity calendar! The front page includes September....

Craft-Tastic All About Me Scratch & Sticker Journal
(Anne Williams $17.00) With scratch art, 551 stickers, doodle activities, personality quizzes and other activities, this interactive...

Mindware Q-BA Maze 2.0 Mega Lights Set
(Mindware $104.95) Art meets science and construction play! Combining the cubes, light-up cubes, rails and marble catchers in unlimited...

Gifeez, Spinning GIF Art Studio
(Spinmaster $19.99) A fascinating spinner that animates the 15 double sided art disks. Kids can color them with the markers, add stickers...

Creativity for Kids Sticker Create Your Own Story Books
(Creativity for Kids $10.00) For the aspiring author/artist, this is a perfect gift that they can use to create their own storybooks and...

Creativity for Kids Plant Peace Kit
(Creativity for Kids $22) A clever craft kit that combines science, art, and indoor gardening that can be done any time of year. The...

Educational Insights Design & Drill SparkleWorks
(Educational Insights $38.99) Remember last season’s Design and Drill? This has it beat with exciting new add on’s that are sure to...