Barbie You Can Be Anything Marine Biologist Doll
(Mattel $22) Choose a blonde or brunette version and select the one with light or darker skin tone—either way this Barbie is more than a...

Mattel Barbie Fashionistas in Wheel Chairs #132 & #133
(Mattel $19.99 each) Barbie gets around in a working wheelchair! Dressed in jeans with a striped knit blouse and totally fashionable...

Mattel Barbie Travel Nikki Doll
(Mattel $14.99) Featured on Netflix, Nikki is just one of a collection of Barbies that includes many characters from the Barbie...

Barbie 60th Anniversary Doll
(Mattel $60.00) Imagine…she’s 60 and not a wrinkle! Maybe she’s doing Botox and not telling. In her strapless white ball gown that...

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Awards for Early School Years 2017
During the early school years kids grow from pre-literate to true readers and writers. They continue to learn through play, using the...

Mattel Walk & Potty Pup Barbie
(Mattel $19.99) As city dwellers we applaud the built-in lesson that comes with the new Barbie Walk & Potty Pup. Not only can Barbie’s...

From Presidential Candidate to Cupcake Chef - Iconic woman takes a new job.
No, not talking about Hillary. But she certainly inspired last year's amazing Barbie for President and Vice President dolls. This year,...

Who's older? Toys vs. the Today Show
It's hard to believe that there was a time when there were no Rubik's Cubes, Monopoly Games or Easy Bake Ovens, right? Play our game of...

Barbie Game Developer: Career of the Year 2016
(Mattel $12.97) Dressed for the Silicon Valley office in faded jeans, knit shirt and field jacket, Barbie has a computer and handheld...

Mattel Barbie Flippin’ Fun Gymnast
(Mattel $29.99) Just in time for the Olympics here is Barbie the Gymnast Coach teaching a small gymnast how to flip off the balance beam...