Mini Garden Mermaid, Unicorn, or Dinosaurs
(Creativity for Kids $12.95) Looking for an Easter Egg Treat that’s a sweet treat without sugar? Choose either of these eggs. Kids...

Faber-Castell 6 Metallic Gel Sticks
(Faber-Castell $7) We’ve told you about these creamy gel sticks that glide across paper and encourage eye hand explorations. These dark...

Creatable World Rainy Day Outfit
(Creatable World/ Mattel $12.99) Just in time for Spring’s rainy days! We told you about this gender-neutral doll collection last year....

Creativity for Kids Magical Big Gem Diamond Painting
(Creativity for Kids $14.99) No messy glue is needed to make very pretty gem studded stickers and sun catchers. The kit comes with a...

Sassy Rain Shower Bath Ball
(Sassy $8.99) Not only is this a fun bath toy with multiple knobs that sprinkle, spin, drip and pour, it can be played with as a ball or...

Creativity for Kids Quick Knit Loom
(Creativity for Kids $19.99) A big round loom that is like your old horse rein spool loom...only so much better! Instead of the long and...

eeBoo Space Adventure or Rainbow & Friends Scratch Paper Stickers
(eeBoo $9.99 each set) Sometimes the best things come in small packages! This would be one of those times. Who doesn’t love stickers to...

Quercetti Peg Brite
(Quercetti $28.59) A sleek light up peg toy that comes with 120 pegs in green, blue, yellow, orange, red and clear. Kids can do their own...

Creativity for Kids Fairy Fashions
(Creativity for Kids $35.00) For the ballerina or fan of fairy magic, this is a kit for designing a wardrobe of winged fashions. It comes...

Creativity for Kids Create with Clay Mythical Creatures
(Creativity for Kids $16.99) We usually don’t suggest clay kits that are in part pre-made. However, this kit’s plastic creatures look a...