Osmo Math Wizard and the Amazing Airships
(Osmo $59.99 ) Our six-year-old tester couldn’t get enough of Osmo’s newest math game which involves constructing balloons to lift and...

Stack the Scoops
(ViBuGo $19.99) Being an ice cream lover, I'd call this a sweet little card game that's all about making sets. Each set must include a...

Mindware Feisty Dice
(Mindware $16.99) Our six-year old tester loved tossing five dice at a time, understood the rules quickly, and couldn’t wait to fill his...

Mindware Qwirkle Collector’s Edition
(Mindware $45.95) For Qwirkle fans this Deluxe Collector"s set is made with plastic playing pieces instead of the original wooden tiles....

Mindware Qwirkle Rummy
(Mindware $7.95) Qwirkle Rummy is a bit more challenging than the original Qwirkle tile game. In this card game version, players not...