Vtech Go! Go! Smart Wheels Emergency Vehicles 3-pack
(Vtech $19.99) Bring home one little easy to activate Go, Go vehicle or a little fleet of emergency vehicles. This three-piece set...

Kathe Kruse Waldorf Emelie Doll
(Kathe Kruse $ 89.99) Finding a red-headed doll just got easy — here’s 15-inch Emelie, a huggable fabric doll with a knit body, white...

Starpath Dolls & Acessories
(Starpath $79 each) Finding multi-ethnic dolls used to be a challenge. Now there are many wonderful choices with this Starpath collection...

Smartmax My First Safari Animals
(Smartmax $21.99) A set of six safari animals— a hippo, lion, giraffe, crocodile, elephant and rhino, that do not come out of the box...

The Kind Dolls: Hope, Fair, and Grace
(The Doll Kind $59.00 each) Can a doll teach kindness? Maybe not, but we like the big kind thought that fosters the idea. There are three...

Petit Collage Wild Rainforest 24-piece Floor Puzzle
(Petit Collage $18) Good-sized pieces with colorful animals make this a challenging floor puzzle for kids with some experience. There is...

Petit Collage Pop-Out Dinosaurs
(PetitCollage $12) Dinoholics will like this set of punch-out puzzles that feature four different dinosaurs made of cardboard that fit...

Mega Bloks Thomas & Friends Racin’ Railway Wagon
(Fisher-Price $24.99) A 21-piece wagon that’s loaded with blocks, including the take-apart pieces of a jolly Thomas Engine your child can...

Corolle 12” Bath Doll
(Corolle $38.00) For bath time play, this bald doll comes dressed in a non-removable bathing suit with a seahorse on the front. It also...

Connectagons Modern Art
(Hearthsong $68.98) We’ve told you about open-ended Connectagons before; and now this is the super duper set with 280-pieces of wooden...