eeBoo Love of Sharks 100 Piece Puzzle
(eeBoo $16.99) Something about sharks that school age kids find fascinating. Maybe it’s the threat or danger associated with these...

Peaceable Kingdom Pass-Along Puzzle; Hot Air Balloons
(Peaceable Kingdom $24.99) For a company that specialized in cooperative play games, this is something of a new but fitting direction....

eeBoo London Life or Venice Open Market Puzzles 1000 Pieces
(eeBoo $ 21.99 each) Travel buffs will enjoy the street scenes of these two puzzles. Take your choice— London Life features highlights...

Mudpuppy Dinosaur World 80-Piece Puzzle
(Mudpuppy $16.99) This is an unusual world map studded with images of dinosaurs. The worldwide concept is a big idea to enlarge how kids...

Mudpuppy Monkey Cake Greeting Card Puzzle
(Mudpuppy $5.99 each) Want to send a little toy along with a birthday greeting? You will love these new puzzle cards with a 12-piece...

Blue Orange Pig Puzzle
(Blue Orange 10.99) An unusual solo game for younger players.The three pigs have to get home before the storm. Pick a challenge card,...

Big Plus-Plus Picture Puzzles
(Plus-Plus $24.99) Part puzzle, part building material, this set comes with 60 puzzle pieces and seven puzzle cards that can be used by...

Petit Collage Pop-Out Dinosaurs
(PetitCollage $12) Dinoholics will like this set of punch-out puzzles that feature four different dinosaurs made of cardboard that fit...

Mudpuppy Around the Town Puzzle
(Mudpuppy $16.99) Around the Town is a 36-piece puzzle that becomes a big 20” x 16” roadway when assembled. Players can use the roadway...

Janod Tactile Peg Zoo Animal Puzzle
(Janod $17.99) A six-piece puzzle with surprise textures to touch and feel under the peg handled pieces. Though the images are more...