Mindware Clay Magic Vases & Clay Magic Planters
(Mindware $21.95 each set of three) Three handsome white pottery vases are ready to be decorated with clay that will really stick-on...

Mindware Make Your Own Pet Dish Kit
(Mindware $24.95) What pet lover wouldn't like this craft kit to make special gift for their favorite furry friend! The stainless steel...

Creativity for Kids Plant and Grow Woodland Forest Terrarium
(Creativity for Kids $15.99) Designed for young scientists, this colorful mushroom shaped terrarium combines several crafty ideas into...

Creativity for Kids Big Gem Diamond Painting Light - Create Your Own Night Light
(Creativity for Kids $24.99) No glue needed to create a sparking night light with transparent “Big Gems” that will turn the bedroom...

Craft-tastic All About Me Empower Flower
(Ann Williams $16.99) We watched this being made and it’s an attractive craft kit that combines several skills. To start, there are...