Guidecraft 74-piece Organics-Powerclix
(Guidecraft $80) Colorful translucent plastics in interesting new magnetic shapes give kids a new range of possibilities for creating...

Goldie Blox Craftstruction Box
(Goldie Blox $39.99) Platinum Award With this 275-piece construction set, kids can use the goodies in this box for all kinds of building...

Project Mc2 Doll Adrienne and Volcano Experiment
(MGA $19.99) One of a new collection of Mc2 dolls that comes with a science experiment of her own— one that really works! Fashionably...

Light Stax 36 piece Light-up Building Blocks
(Light Stax $39.99) Platinum Award All the plastic bricks are the same square size, though in many colors. They come with a base to...

Mattel Barbie Eye Doctor Doll & Playset
(Mattel $19.99) A play setting complete with eye chart, examining chair and patient comes with Eye Doctor Barbie (who also wears...

Magformers Walking Robot Set
(Magformers $109) Robots on the go, that's what kids can build with this 45-piece set of magformers because these robots have feet for...

LEGO Star Wars Poe's X-Wing Fighter
(LEGO $79.00) Once this is built there's plenty of action for recreating scenes from the Force Awakens. A 717-piece build Poe's X-Wing...

Guidecraft Power Clix Solids
(Guidecraft $99) A 68-piece set of translucent magnified pieces in geometric shapes. These handsome pieces are an invitation for kids to...

Light Stax 36 piece Light-up Building Blocks
(Light Stax $39.99) Platinum Award All the plastic bricks are the same square size, though in many colors. They come with a base to...

Magformers Walking Dinosaur Set
(Magformers $189.00) A marvelous 81-piece set of magnetic shapes and plans for building many different dinosaurs that will actually walk...