Star Wars Galactic Snackin’ Grogu
(Hasbro $79.99) This year’s Animated Mandalorian is not vastly different from last season. This 9” tall animatronic doll comes with four...

eeBoo London Life or Venice Open Market Puzzles 1000 Pieces
(eeBoo $ 21.99 each) Travel buffs will enjoy the street scenes of these two puzzles. Take your choice— London Life features highlights...

eeBoo Koala House 64 Pieces and 1000 Pieces
(Company Name $11.99-21.99) There’s so much to see in this cutaway view of Koala House. Zebra and Polar Bear are dancing up a storm up on...

eeBoo Dragon Puzzle 64 Pieces & 1000 Pieces
(eeBoo $ 11.99 and eeboo $21.99) This just may be the friendliest Dragon ever. You have to wonder what she’s doing and what are the...

Craft-Tastic All About Me Scratch & Sticker Journal
(Anne Williams $17.00) With scratch art, 551 stickers, doodle activities, personality quizzes and other activities, this interactive...

Star Wars The Black Series Boba Fett Premium Electronic Helmet
(Hasbro $114.99) Collectors started asking about this when this Boba Fett Helmet was first announced. Our tester was not disappointed....

eeBoo Climate March Puzzles
(eeBoo $16.99 and up) If you’re eager to build climate awareness early on —you’ll like the handsome 500-piece round puzzle, Climate March...

Word Witt Game
(Word Witt $26.95) We really enjoyed this innovative word play game with or without the timer. It’s not Boggle and it’s not Scrabble...it...

eeBoo 1000 piece Jane Austen’s Book Club
(eeBoo $21.99) A challenging 1000-piece puzzle for the whole family to work on during the long winter nights ahead. Her club includes...

eeBoo 1000-piece Puzzles: Life in Space, Mother Earth, and Viva La Vida
(eeBoo $19.99 each) Looking for a gift for a teen or a project for the family? These 1000-piece puzzles have stunning graphics. They are...