Green Toys Cargo Plane
(Green Toys $19.99) Load ‘er up! Lots of pretend play with this stout cargo plane that opens with a ramp so that the small car can get...

Green Toys Fire Plane
(Green Toys $14.99) If only this would do it for the raging fires in California? Designed for tub or pool, the two prop fire plane can...

VTech Count & Win Sports Center
(Vtech $39.99) Vtech has done a version of this talking toy for over twenty years and although the colors change and the sounds, it never...

Child’s Play Five Little Ducks & Pat-A-Cake & See-Saw: First Books of Nursery Rhymes
(Child's Play $8.00 each ) We’ve told you about Child’s Play’s separate board books of popular nursery rhymes, recently redone with new...

Djeco Tapatou Tap Tap Game
(Djeco $29.99) We know how much toddlers love hammer toys. Some are just too hard, some are way to easy...this chicken tp tap toy is just...

Megabloks Woodland Friends
(Fisher-Price $19.99) Designed for beginning block builders, these chunky blocks are also mini-puzzles.Heads and bodies of woodland...

Djeco Maxi Topanijungle and Nest and Stack Blocks
(Djeco $28.00) We told you about the TopaniFarm from the same maker, with familiar farm animals; that was last year. And now—drum roll!...

Fisher-Price Little People Launch & Loop Raceway
(Fisher-Price $49.99) With four different ramps and a double car launcher, kids are going to have good fun using the two Wheelies...

Fisher-Price Megabloks Schoolhouse
(Fisher-Price $24.99) Our tester loved the new Peek a Blocks, those round blocks with peek-a-boo arms that pop open with a push of a...

Cuddle + Kind Eloise the Elephant Little
(Cuddle+Kind $60 and up) Featured this season, 13” Eloise the Elephant, a huggable armful in soft grey knit with pink accents on her big...