Mindware Memory Mix Up

(Mindware $20) Platinum Award
A cleverly designed see-through paddle is used for this memory game. Slip 4-5 images into the paddle and show it to players. Shake it up and turn it over allowing one coin shaped token to come out. Now show the remaining items to players. Who knows which token is gone? Player that guesses it first keeps the token. Winner is the one with the most tokens. It comes with 100 playing tokens that also develop vocabulary as well as visual memory. Adapt the play to fit the age of your players and the number of images you use at one time. They say 3 & up, we'd say more like 4-5 year olds. Gradually increase the number of items shown as kids become more familiar with the game. SNAP: Start with naming the items, select just a few and make them familiar items. Put fewer items in the arm of the paddle when you introduce the game. The object is to build success and language. Gradually add pieces as the game becomes familiar and they feel more at home with the game. Award Year: 2015.
Ages: Preschoolers, Early School