Project Mc2 Doll Camryn and Skateboard Experiment

(MGA $24.99)
One of a new collection of Mc2 dolls that comes with a different science experiment for each doll--experiments that really work! Fashionably dressed in patterned stretch tights, glitzy patterned shorts, a chartreuse knit top, and patterned headband on her long glorious red hair. Camryn, is a beauty who also likes science and the thrill of skateboarding. She comes with blueprint paper that magically reveals the directions for assembling a skateboard she will be able to use. Like the other dolls in this line she’s more than just a pretty face. A playful way into STEM learning. 6 & up.
Ages: Early School, Tweens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2015