Peaceable Kingdom You Guessed It Game
(Peaceable Kingdom $9.99)
If you like playing 20 Questions here is a cooperative version ready made with 100 cards with a who, what, where and wild choice on every card. One player makes a choice, announces the category and the other player(s) get to ask 20 questions that can only be answered with a yes or no. Learning to ask the questions that build on what you learn from previous answers calls for listening and putting ideas together.It’s not simple for beginners, but it’s a game that can be fun for mixed ages to play, giving younger players a model for deducing the answers. The cards call for reading so new readers may need to play with a partner who can read the card and then let the younger player secretly choose the who, what, where or wild choice. Tuck the cards in your bag for travel fun on land or air or at the seaside. 7 & up
Ages:Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2016