Crayola Color Wonder Light-up Stamper

(Crayola $19.99)
Color Wonder has added a mess-free stamping set that will be satisfying for preschoolers. Kids put the stamper over the orange ink pad and the handle magically lights up orange! Stamp and you get an orange image. Hold it over the green ink pad and the handle will light up green. Now stamp it on the paper and you have a green image. Do the same with the purple ink pad. The kit comes with 12 pages of special paper for stamping. Three mini markers and 10 ocean-themed stamps. You simply change the images by slipping them on and off the stamper. SNAP: A playful way to get kids to build grasping and eye hand skills. The gripper on the stamper is pretty chunky, but it can be adapted with Velcro applied to handle and to a glove, or enlarged by wrapping it with foam. Either way, the pay-off is pleasing for making designs on place mates, or wrapping paper for gifts. Encourage them to make patterns by demo-ing simple alternating colors.They can use the stampers for making a counting book. Make up a pre-stapled booklet and write the numerals or number words from 1-5 or 1-10. Have your child stamp the right number of fish (or other stamper) to go on each page.Kids love having books to "read" that they have made, especially if you put their name as author on the front cover.
Ages: Preschoolers
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2015