Horizon Just My Style Emoticon Message Beads

An amazing assortment of beads: some with words, letters, numbers, hearts, hashtags, and best of all—emoticon faces. Some are tiny, some are round, rectangular, square or heart shaped. The kit includes neon stars and hearts as well as elastic cord, Chinese knotting cord, satin skeins and transfer sheets with faces and other images; all this at a remarkable price. If you need birthday gifts for lots of parties, this is a go-to choice. There are enough beads and cords to make more than 20 pieces of jewelry. This is a wonderful choice for play dates, great birthday gift, or keep busy art project with wearable finished products. Marked for 6 -9, we do think slightly older girls will enjoy this, especially the small beads that will be challenging to 6 and 7’s.
Ages: Early School, Tween
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2016