Playskool Mr. Potato Head Star Wars Darth Tater
(Hasbro $14.99)
Need a trick gift for your Star Wars fan? You’ll want to consider Darth Tater, or Luke Frywalker a Jedi spud with 12-pieces including an all essential light saber. More elaborate is the Star Wars Spudtrooper in a white helmet and suit. This spud has 14 pieces including a special ray gun. Finally, For the serious minded spud collector, consider the dark side Frylo Ren, the new bad guy, in black with a red light saber. Marked 2 & up, but we these are going to be a better choice for the preschoolers who are watching the Star Wars cartoons.
Ages: Preschoolers, Early School, Tweens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2016