Edushape Rollipop Advanced Ball Run
(Edushape $40.00)
If you ever doubted that “new is not always best” here’s solid proof that classics are classic for a reason. In the past few seasons we’ve tested ball runs in all conceivable shapes and sizes. Some are so simplistic they are boring; many are so frenetic they are overwhelming. In fact, the newest arrival takes four D batteries (an extra $10) and once you throw the switch, the motor drones, and the balls pop and reload while your toddler basically just watches. Not one of the newest ball runs can compare to Edushape’s Rollipop Advanced($40) a true Blue Chip Classic. This multi-chute ball run uses no batteries; it’s child powered. It’s one of those wonderful playthings that will be used again and again. It suits toddlers love of repetition. In a world full of so many surprising and unpredictable things, repetition is a reassuring way to gain a sense of predictability and mastery. Some of the pieces of the ball run are see-through, so kids can see the rolling action as it’s happening and the balls are sized-up so toddlers can use them safely. Instead of popping out of the run, the balls roll slowly enough for tots to track them visually, and helps develop eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills. Edushape’s original Rollipop is also fun, though it has no long chutes and balls simply drop from one level to the next. Marked 9 month and up, we think either the Rollipop or Rollipop Advanced is a better choice for 12 months and up, when toddlers can make this happen without knocking it over and have the fun of running after the balls and making the action happen. A great 1st Birthday gift.
Ages: Toddlers
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2016