Edu-Science Interactive Globe

(Toys R Us $99.00)
A globe is a useful resource for the whole family and this talking globe with a Reading Pen turns geography into a playful game. Our tester liked being able to touch the globe with the sensor pen to get the name of the country, a city, population, geographic characteristics, climate and more. There is also a quiz program, but unfortunately, if you get the wrong answer it doesn’t tell you the right answer. That said, this made a hit with our tester and confirmed that school aged kids generally have a fascination for maps and the symbols we use to picture our world. Keeping that interest alive is no small thing in a world where the news of sports and other events comes into our homes via the computer, TV, and newspapers 24/7. Being able to picture where these things are happening in relation to where kids are is a way to enlarge their understanding of that news and their place in the world. Offered exclusively at Toys R Us. 8 & up.
Ages: Tweens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2016