Hasbro FurReal Friends Torch, My Blazin’ Dragon

(Hasbro $79.99 )
Just what you always wanted— a blue dragon that can breathe fire, and toast your (plastic) marshmallow. Newest of the animatronic characters in the FurReal collection, this furry dragon is appropriately named, Torch. Unlike most pretend dragons, Torch really does puff blue smoke, moves its head, ears, and long-lashed eyes, just like any warm and fuzzy dragon should. Torch, is pure novelty and fear not—there's no dangerous flame or fire, only a mist that magically comes out of his mouth to turn the marshmallow (permanently attached to a plastic twig toasty) tan. He’s got fifty sounds and motion combos built-in, so Torch is amusing to watch. Is this going to hold anyone’s interest for long? Not a chance. Toys that are designed for watching generally hold less long-term interest than toys that involve doing. That said, it is one of those wow-ee watching toys that will hold center stage for a short time. We're not sure if younger siblings will find Torch a funny kind of safe scare or will run for cover. 4 & up.
Ages: Preschoolers, Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award