My First Puzzle Pairs: English to Spanish

(Mudpuppy $12.99)
Ten pairs of two-piece puzzles are a good way to introduce knowing and naming animals names as well as being able to put together parts to make a whole—in this case the front and back ends of ten familiar animals. Made of sturdy stock these colorful images are labeled both in English and Spanish. The images are charming in a picture bookish way; though they are not totally realistic. Happily, the puzzle pairs do not fit together unless kids find the matching halves, so this is not one of those games where kids can make mixed up animals that are half lion and half cow. So, they are self-correcting puzzles. They require both dexterity and visual discrimination. Marked 2 & up, we think this will be best for older 2s and 3s.
Ages: Toddlers, Preschoolers
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2017