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Outside the Box Creation: Texture Box

Using Lois Ehlert’s book Nuts to You, this activity kit is all about introducing the idea of using textures to make collage creations. The paperback book follows the adventure of a squirrel as it moves about. Ehlert’s art is done with collage materials—excellent examples for young artists. The kit includes some rubbing textures to use with the enclosed set of pastels. The activity brochure suggests looking for other rubbings to try with paper from the enclosed thick sketch pad or the four 9 X 12 heavy watercolor paper. There is a glue marker and a pair of scissors to cut out original rubbings and create unique collages. Such a nice way to combine books and art. This is a good parent /child project that introduces new ways of making art. Marked 5-12. We’d say this is a good choice for 5-8, but maybe not so much for the upper age range, since the book will feel too young for slightly older kids. Outside the Box is one of many project based businesses that send kids a new project every month. The price does not include shipping, so this can be a pricey subscription. That said, this and another kit, that explores positive and negative space are well thought out and come with quality materials. The latter, offers Ann Jonas’ book, Round Trip with blue block printing ink, a rubber brayer, two scratch boards, six sheets of block printing paper, card stock circles, and a soft white and a black pastels. Kids do love getting packages in the mail and these Outside the Box kits

(the two we tested) offer school aged kids new and meaningful art experiences.

Ages: Early School Years

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2017

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