Lottie Dolls 2017

(Lottie Dolls $24.99 each)
Once again Lottie dolls have arrived and we've already received happy reviews from one of our 7-year old testers. As we’ve said before, Lottie is one of those special collectables, only 7.5 inches tall, available with different hair color, styles and interests. Best of all the Lottie collection conveys positive messages about the many roles girls can play. While her clothing choices are vast, she is more than another fashion plate. Like girls today, she has interests as varied as karate, soccer, riding and the solar system. For 2017, look for two new dolls of color, Mia, a wildlife photographer with her camera and wearing rugged boots and clothes for her expeditions. And then there is Sammi, a boy doll of color who has writing gear ready for any news story that comes his way.

Also new this season, Always Artsy Lottie, wearing a beret

and striped shirt, scarf and trousers, is at work at her easel and Birthday Girl Sophia, a themed present for birthday party gifting.
You can also find Lottie dolls with the accent on sports, active life, and several with a link to S.T.E.M. learning. For a small collectable, she has a lot of versatility. Marked for 3 and up, we think these will be easier for slightly older girls, who will be able to get the clothes both on and off. Preschoolers generally do not have the fine motor skills to handle the tiny shoes and clothes; they do well with the undressing part and then will need adult help to get the tiny clothes back on or add this to their

collection of naked dolls.
Ages: Preschoolers, Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2017
Click on each doll's name to purchase on Amazon