Skullduggery Heart Shaped Keepsake Box Kit

(Skulduggery $19.99)
A novel kind of keepsake box, this one is cast in a valentine shape with plaster. The kit comes with molds, plaster mix, paints, paper liners, and instructions for creating the box. This is a good S.T.E.M. project with opportunities to discuss what happens to the plaster powder when water is added. Is it possible to stir and pour it? What happens after it’s poured into the mold? After it sits for an hour can the substance be poured any more? Can they think of other powdery substances that change when water is added? What about sand at the beach? Flour for cookies? Other items that change when fluid is added? These are big concepts that form the baseline of science understanding and inquiry. Once the top and bottom of the keepsake is dry, kids can paint and decorate their boxes. Making the box will call for supervision to be sure the casting material doesn’t end up in your sink or on your floor. That said, these kits combine the need for reading and following instructions, creative art, hands-on work with pleasing pay offs. 8 & up.
Ages: Tweens