Hape Pop-up Toaster

(Hape $24.99)
Kids are going to love making their own toast and spreading it with butter and honey, too. Hape’s wooden toaster has a dial for light or dark toast and a lever to lift the toast when it’s ready. Made of wood, this is a toy that adds a touch of familiar reality to their pretend play.The toaster has two slots for the two pieces of toast, a Velcro lidded butter box, a small honey holder, a knife and plate for serving toast. We like the fact that Hape puts both girls and boys on their packaging and uses gender free colors on the utensils, as well. Not only do all of us eat, all of us need to feel at home in the kitchen and that idea begins here with the toys we provide for role playing.
Ages: Preschoolers
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2018