Mindware Cooking Kit
(Mindware $39.95)
Cooking with kids is more than fun, it’s about math as in measuring, reading as in following a recipe, science as in how things change from solid to liquid with heat or cold, it’s about tasting and sharing something they created with the family. From the time they are preschoolers, kids like to pretend with toy kitchens and accessories but this is the next level up. The Mindware Cooking Kit comes with measuring cups, spoons, whisk, spatula, basting brush, wooden spoon, mixing bowl and star shaped mold that are working tools, not toys. It also includes an apron, a parent guide and several recipe cards. We would have liked more visuals on the recipe cards, since this is marked from 4 and up. Pre- readers cannot really use these cards so, obviously, parents are meant to be the readers. However, both boys and girls, will enjoy making some of the items on the cards and the utensils will be used for other cooking together time. These are designed to be gender free…a good thing since we need boys as well as girls to know their way around the kitchen. Do they need child size utensils to do so? Probably not, but it does make the process all-the- more child-centered. Cooking together is one of the wonderful ways for parents and kids to connect with projects that stir up learning, laughing, and eatable payoffs.
Ages: Older Preschoolers, Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2018