LittleBits Avengers Hero Inventor Kit

(littleBits $149.95)
Like all the LittleBits Kits, this one is designed to get kids interested in electronics with practical, safe construction materials and excellent on-line animated instructions. Here, kids create toy versions of Iron Man's arm-mounted devices, it even comes with a replica-stand that looks likes his arm, but can also be worn using Velcro straps. The play-value goes beyond STEM, as many kids will use the toy they build for imaginative (if often combat-oriented play). One tester voiced concern that the price ($149.95) was high for a kit with so few parts, but that could be said about many Little Bits projects; no one else is making kits of this quality (both in parts and instruction) at any price, so you must judge for yourself. There are instruction videos for more than 18 projects. Requires Smart device: either iPhone (iOS 10.0 or later) or Android (5.0 or later) is required to build and control your Avengers gear.
Ages: Tweens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2018