eeBoo Pretend Play Grown Up or Veterinarian

(eeBoo $13.99 each)
Want to see your own reflection? Bring home eeBoo’s Grown Up Pretend Play kit that contains all the standard accoutrements of adult life—business cars, bank card, credit card, driver’s license, museum membership card, library card, checkbook with 25 checks, play money, wallet, glasses, keys, coffee mug, tea cup and cell phone. There’s even an ATM Machine! Okay these are mostly just cardboard cutouts, but the raw material is there and for kids who love pretending, these will be favorites for role play and trying on being all Grown Up! Also fun, Pretend Play Veterinarian Kit includes everything the role playing Vet needs to care for the sick animals. There’s a Patient record pad, a prescription pad, die cut vet’s tools, vaccination tags, xrays, a diploma, office sign, reward stickers, and chart stickers. These are marked 3 and up but we think, given the themes, they’ll be enjoyed more by older fours, fives and even sixes.
Ages: Older Preschoolers, Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2018