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Winning Moves Stink Bug Game

(Winning Moves $16.95)

Like playing in the leaves? Here’s a tabletop version that requires no raking or bagging! Mix the two decks of leaf shaped cards together with half the cards facing down on the green side and the other half facing up with colorful leaves and bugs. Spread them on the floor or table top. Now players take turns picking up one leaf and placing it in front of them. BUT, players can only pick up a leaf card that is totally uncovered! The object is to collect pairs of matching leaves. Each pair equals a point. But what if you turn over a bug? That can be good or not so good. If you pick up a stink bug, you must put all your unmatched cards back into the leaf pile. If you pick up a butterfly, put it with your pairs—it’s worth a point! If you pick up a love bug, you have to give one card you have that matches to an opponent. And if you pick up a sneak bug, you can take a leaf from another player, one that matches one of yours and make a pair/point. The winner is the one with the most points at the end of the game. A quick, easy game for 2-4 players that builds on matching skills, turn taking, living with the rules, all good family fun for mixed ages, including your preschooler and early school aged players. With plenty of chances to win some and lose some, too. 4 and up. We think this will be better for 5-8s.

Ages: Older Preschoolers, Early School

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2019

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