Playmobil Mars Space Station

(Playmobil $79.99)
Welcome aboard the Mars Space Station! With lights under the central hub, astronauts work aboard the illuminated station, entering through the front ramp and move about through the rotating hatch. Everything they need is found in this amazing space station with a removable roof, a fitness room, sleeping quarters, command central, and of course a robot. There are two multi-cultural astronauts, tools, computer, food supplies, space crystals, telescope, video recorder, and many more accessories. It not only has lights, but plenty of sounds —radio contact, jet propulsion, and other space noises. All terrific for dramatic play...BUT... before anything happens an adult builder is going to spend considerable time putting this wonderful setting together. Like the also amazing Mission Rocket with Launch Site the box says 6+, only there’s next to nothing a six-year old can do with this, except perhaps help you find the pieces and ask...”Is it done yet?” That said, this is a terrific mini setting that will be enjoyed for dramatic play by young aspiring astronauts. You’ll need two AAA batteries and you may want to build a good part or all of it in advance or plan for this to be a parent child project. We’d say 9s might like helping, but the skills required for assembling are beyond younger kids who might otherwise love this and the Rocket Launch ($69.99) or the Mars Rover ($9.99),or the more elaborate Mars Research Vehicle ($49,99) all part of this collection.

Ages: Older Early School, Tweens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2019