Bananagrams Duel!

(Bananagrams $7.99)
Ready to travel, this two-player game gives both players twelve cubes to make their competing crosswords. There are several suggested ways to face off for your word duels: One game comes with tiny banana theme cards. Players pick a theme and at least one word in their crossword must match that theme. Of course, there’s the classic way to play with each player building a crossword grid with all 12 cubes. The first to use all cubes wins the round and gets a banana card. Winner is the player who wins ten banana cards. Forget using a timer unless you're playing with another adult. Try the many games suggested for fun ways to make time fly in the air, or at home. Everything fits in neat banana shaped travel box. 7-77 and up.
Ages: Early School, Tweens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Award 2019