Creativity for Kids Sand Art Snowman

(Creativity for Kids $9.99 each)
If you're in the sand art phase, you're going to want to look at these two new holiday kits from Creativity for Kids. We love the Snowman -- comes with the clear plastic form (has a red cap already). There's both white and blue sand -- and then lots of things to use for added decoration. Having the added stickers, pompoms, trims -- gives this craft a little more "time" to do. Comes with a little penguin that sits in the base of the container on the outside. There's also a Christmas tree that comes with a little Santa. a tree skirt, stickers, a bear and and mini gifts. Both sets come with a funnel -- very handy for sand art!
Fun activity kits for the holidays!

Ages: 6 and up.
Ages: Early School, Tweens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2024