eeBoo Where Do I Live? Bingo

(eeBoo $19.99)
Instead of the usual Bingo number and letter matching game, this clever game introduces kids to matching up creatures to their habitats. For starters, an adult or older child who knows the names of all the creatures will need to play the caller. All the tiles are placed in the cloth bag. Caller draws a card and names the animal, showing it to the other players. The player who has the matching card on his habitat board takes the card. First player to cover all the animals on his playing board is the winner. It’s a game for expanding their knowing-and-naming vocabulary and the big idea that animals live in specific habitats that provide the climate, food, and coverage they need to live. Big learning possibilities here that go way beyond simple matching skills. Marked 5 and up, but again probably of bigger interest to 6,7, and even 8s.
Ages: Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2023