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Manhattan Toy Playmate Friends

(Manhattan Toy $24.99 each)

We don't know how you'll make up your mind—which one of these charmers will you buy? Each of these 14" all fabric dolls is so adorable! Girls and boys, multi-cultural choices in adorable removable cotton clothes. Each with a pet of its own. There's Alex with a yellow hat, orange pants with pockets and blue checked shirt. He has a teddy bear in overalls. Ellis has a sherpa style vest, olive overalls, boots and a bunny toy.

Freddie wears a floral romper and red boots and her pet is a kitten. Harper is wearing a dress with yellow and green floral pattern and her toy bear is

wearing a dress, too. Nico wears pattern on pattern, checked red and white [ants wit. a pink top dotted with tiny fruits, red boots and her pet is a rooster. And then there is Olllie wearing dark cherry patterned overalls over a floral blouse. Her bunny is in matching

colors. All six are totally washable with stitched features and hair sewn on to stay...won't come off in toddler's mouths. We'll leave it to you to pick the one(s) you know will be hugged and talked to and well loved.

Ages: Toddlers, Preschoolers

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2021

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