Mindware Home Grown Lamp Kit & Home Grown Growing Lamp

(Mindware $69.95)
For the young botanist, here’s a Home Grown Growing Lamp ($29.99) kit that will keep plants growing even when snow is on the ground and the skies are grey. A LED lamp is built into a shelf for seedlings or herbs that will put on a growing show. Be forewarned, this kit does not include the pots, sprayer, or other necessities shown on the back of the box. That is a separate kit, the Home Grown Growing Kit.($39.99) A wonderful kit with 3 porcelain planter pots and tray, sprayer, a cylinder stand with five cylinders for rooting cuttings, a trowel, sticks, labels, guide sheets, plant mister, beakers for growing vegetables and herbs that you have in your kitchen. Includes an instruction guide for growing many kinds of plants. Designed to be used with the Home Grown Lamp. You can buy these separately or as a pair. 8 and up.
Ages: Early School, Tweens
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2023