Mudpuppy Little Traveler Bingo

(Mudpuppy $14.99)
Four bingo boards are used for a matching game for armchair or future world travelers. One playing board feature Traveler Landmarks: Statue of liberty, Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, Easter Island, Egyptian Great Pyramids, and Moscow; the other boards feature Traveler Vehicles, Traveler Food, and Traveler Animals. There’s a lot to talk about here, building concepts that the world out there has some amazing sights to see; it’s a knowing and naming games for little sophisticates. Let’s hope we can all be doing that soon—packing our bags and seeing the world. Marked 3 and up, but we’d say this one will have bigger meaning to 5s and up.
Ages: Early School
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2021