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Osmo Math Wizard and the Amazing Airships

(Osmo $59.99 )

Our six-year-old tester couldn’t get enough of Osmo’s newest math game which involves constructing balloons to lift and carry the cargo of crates loaded on the airship. Designed for young math wizards, the game uses manipulatives that are placed on the base on the tabletop in front of the ipad and they magically appear on the screen. The question is will they move? That will only happen if you have the right number of balloons of the right size to lift the crates. The balloons and crates have to be equivalent before they will take off and fly. Beginners will have a lot of trial and error and there is more than one way to make it work...just as there are many combinations to make a in three plus four or five plus two or one plus six. Unlike so many electronic toys with one right answer, this game calls for flexible thinking and multiple winning ways. You'll need to get them started with Parent child play, but it will soon become a solo game. Osmo's Math Wizard and the Secrets of Dragons, is similar but gives fantasy minded players mythological beasts to move around as they work on their counting and measuring skills. Great choice for 1st and 2nd graders.

(Note: Does not include i-pad or Osmo Base, both required to play)

Ages: Early School

Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award 2021

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