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Star Wars Galactic Snackin’ Grogu

(Hasbro $79.99)

This year’s Animated Mandalorian is not vastly different from last season. This 9” tall animatronic doll comes with four interactive snacks that the Mandalorian can lift in its hands and enjoy with a variety of sounds and eyes that open and close. This is very much a novelty toy, a souvenir of the movies and shows that kids of a certain age will fancy. Other than being the latest Star Wars merchandise, it probably has no true intrinsic learning power, except perhaps what kids might learn about consumerism and short-term interest of novelty items that often run out before the batteries. We still think for younger kids who fancy Star Wars the plush dolls without animatronics or a puppet of the characters have more play value that will come from their own story making imagination. This electronic version is more of a collector's item/room decoration that will appeal to tweens, teens and certain adults you may know.. It takes 4 AA batteries.

Ages: Tweens

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