Tinkering Labs Electric Motors Catalyst
(Tinkering Labs $65)
An open-ended electronic kit. Our adult tester says this kit has all the ingredients needed (including an often missing screwdriver and batteries) for building multiple “inventions” that use two supplied electrical motors to make noise and run. Unlike most kits, it does not give step by step do-this do-that instructions for every project. Instead it offers the raw materials and broad challenges that can be solved in more than one way. Additional instructions are available online. To get started, the kit comes with a set of 10 challenge cards that include: build a machine that can scramble an egg, a vehicle with a suspension system, create something that can make a loud noise. This is marked 8 and up, but we think it is really a better bet for 12 and up.
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award 2022